• Expert Coaching

    Our certified trained staff will ensure you are doing exercises safely and efficiently.

  • Community

    Be encouraged by a community of people who care about your success just as much as their own.

  • Everyone is Welcome

    Our staff and members believe in creating a friendly environment for people at all fitness levels.

Our community is what makes us special and it's what will keep you coming back.

Joining a gym shouldn't be intimidating. We will help you feel comfortable getting started.

Our trainers are passionate and knowledgeable, helping you know what to do, keeping you on track. They celebrate with you every time you reach the next level!

We believe in supporting people who are ready to take action and give them all the need to crush their goals. It's why our members keep coming back for more.


We’re conveniently located in South Titusville near the intersection of US 1 & Highway 50

235 Willow St.
Titusville, FL 32780